Thought I would share the story behind this and how I created it…………
Our grandson Edward is 4 years old and his latest obsession is Winnie the Pooh, and I’m sure he knows every song ever recorded in the Winnie the Pooh series.
I told him I was going to create a picture with him as Christopher Robin and asked him to pose for a photo. Of course he flatly refused at first, but after much cajoling, and the threat of using another little boy in my picture, he reluctantly agreed. As you can see below it was a hurried , blurry shot but ok for my purpose as I was only using it as reference to draw Edward as a cartoon figure.

Using Photoshop I start by creating the first sketch on a new layer

Next I lower the opacity on this layer.

Then start the fine lining process on a new layer…..

Now complete the fine lining

Now turn off the sketch layer

Create a new layer and start adding colour

Finish the colouring……

Find a suitable background (google is your friend). Repeat the sketching, fine lining and colouring process to create a background.

Whilst on the background I copy the cartoon Edward and place it on a new layer on the background. Then using free transform the figure can be sized and positioned.

Repeat the process for the other characters, placing each one on a new layer. Each one can then be sized and positioned on the background, to create the final composition…..